Thursday, 21 January 2010

Seven Deadly Sins

Konon, basicnya dari semua dosa tuh berawal dari 7 dosa besar (seven deadly sins), apapun dosa yg di lakuin, ujung2nya pasti sumbernya dari tujuh hal yg memotivasi. .

Tujuh dosa itu : iri hati (envy), rakus (gluttony), tamak (greed), malas (sloth), cabul (lust), sombong (pride), marah (wrath).

1. Envy
Dari bahasa latin invidia, namanya juga iri hati, pasti ngga terima kalau orang lain lebih baik dari diri sendiri, orang lain punya yg lebih bagus dari milik sendiri, atau bahkan semua yg dia belum punya tapi yg lain punya bs jadi motivasi buat sirik2an. .Pokonya intinya : "sorrow for another's good". .Jaman dulu, hukuman untuk yg suka iri hati matanya dijahit pake kawat.

2. Gluttony
Dari bahasa latin gula, rakus di sini lebih cenderung ke makanan
Makan tuh normal, yg dosa tuh klow udah berlebihan. .
Maksudnya berlebihan tuh : makan terlalu awal (praepropere), makan terlalu mewah (laute), makan terlalu banyak (nimis), makan terlalu bernafsu (ardenter), suka pilih2 makanan (studiose), atau asal makan (forente). .
Hukumannya yg rakus? Suruh ngerasain apa itu artinya kelaparan

3. Greed
Dari bahasa latin avaritia, tamak biacara soal harta benda dan kekuasaan. .Dosa ini paling asik dinyatakan dengan : "all for myself". .
Contoh paling nyata tuh jika kalian pada tau cerita gmn pada mulanya Iblis ada, dia kan tadinya malaikat kesayangan ***** yg namanya Lucifer. .Gara2 greed nya yang udah level gede, dia jadi tamak dan pengen menjadi *****, karena itu dia berontak dan akhirnya malah diusir jadi devil.

4. Sloth
Dari bahasa latin acedia, malas tuh apa yha, hmm....Intinya, ngga ngerjain apa yg seharusnya, gagal dalam mengembangkan apa yg seharusnya bisa dikembangkan, atau paling sering terjadi : menunda pekerjaan. .
Dosa ini paling sering dianggap enteng, justru gr2 itu jg paling sering dilakuin, ati2 aja yha

5. Lust
Dari bahasa latin luxuria, ehmmm. .ehmmm. .dosa yg menjurus ke sexualitas alias birahi atau nafsu yang sangat besar .paling ngga nahan ney klow udah urusan yg kya gnian

6. Pride
Dari bahasa latin superbia, sombong adalah awal dari segala dosa. .Yg semua disebutin di atas (dari envy ampe lust), awalnya dari perasaan kalau diri kita itu paling hebat, paling penting, paling harus dibkin senang gembira dan sebagainya. .Karena kesombongan inilah manusia akhirnya merasa benar dan mulai ngelauin dosa2 lain. .
Kdng2 manusia beralasan : "saya melakukan ini untuk bertahan hidup" atau "semua ini untuk keluarga saya". .
Yg ujung2nya kalau dibalikin : "memang cuma kamu yg hidup, binatang jg harus bertahan hidup koq" atau "memang cuma kamu yg punya keluarga, pohon jeruk di kebun bokap g aje ada family nya". .
Dari pengetahuan akan dosa 'sombong' ini bisa diperdebatkan bahwa manusia tuh makin ngerasa sebagai makhluk hidup tingkat tinggi makin mungkin berbuat dosa

7. Wrath
Dari bahasa latin ira, penuh dengan kata2 menyenangkan seperti : marah (anger), benci (hatred), balas dendam (revenge), penolakan (self-denial), dan ketidaksabaran (impatience). .
Kalau pride adalah sumber, maka wrath adalah akibat. .
Ketika manusia telah berbuat dosa, efek2nya kemudian terkumulatif dan mengakibatkan sifat emosional yg tidak murni lagi, akibatnya adalah chaos dalam diri manusia itu sendiri dan munculah wrath. .Bahkan diketahui bahwa ada satu dosa yg tidak akan pernah termaafkan bagaimanapun caranya, dosa terbesar yang pernah dikenal berasal dari wrath yaitu : bunuh diri (suicide).

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Monday, 11 January 2010

[DOTA] Character Story HERO AGI


ANTI-MAGE - Magina

Twin sons to the great Prophet, Terrorblade and Magina were blessed with divine powers: Terrorblade granted with an unnatural affinity with life forces; Magina gifted with energy manipulation. Magina's eventual overexposure to the magics gradually augmented his elemental resistances and bestowed him the unique ability to move faster than light itself. Now, broken by Terrorblade's fall to the dark side, Magina answers the Sentinel's call in a desperate bid to redeem his brother. Every bitter strike turns the Scourge's evil essences upon themselves, culminating in a finale that forces his enemy to awaken to the void within and spontaneously implode.

DWARVEN SNIPER - Kardel Sharpeye

Kardel Sharpeye is a testament to his name and race. Using only his finely honed skills of marksmanship and his trusty rifle, he sytematically destroys his opponents from afar. Taking great care to aim for the most vulnerable of areas, he is capable of severely injuring an opponent, and with a little extra time, has been known to simply dispose of an enemy in a single shot. His rifle is equipped with a secondary barrel, capable of launching a short burst of shrapnel at close range, causing massive damage.


Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.

LONE DRUID - Syllabear

Syllabear was spared a time of great strife due to the deeds of his people. Sensing their settlement's impending destruction they turned their child into a bear and sent him into the wild. Syllabear grew up strong and savage, like the bears that inhabited the forests of his home. Using druidic powers, he can enter a state of almost rabid frenzy, and even call powerful bear companions to aid him. Awakened into his elven heritage by Furion the Prophet, Syllabear has regained his true elven form, and brings the bestial spirit of the bear to the battlefield.

MOONRIDER - Luna Moonfang

Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune. She fights alongside the Sentinel in the neverending battle to cleanse the land of the unholy Scourge. Through her valiant efforts, she has been granted small portions of Elune's mystical power. Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through her enemies. It has been said that Luna is able to call down the very light of the moon, and is always surrounded by a glowing aura, as though in moonlight herself. Luna is a shining beacon for the Sentinel, an ever vigilant protector.

MORPHLING - Morphling

The Morphling, nature's magnum opus, the pinnacle of evolution, can force his liquid body to flow over opponents in a massive wave, forcibly moving himself as well as injuring his enemies. At a whim he may change the composition of his body, trading strength for agility and vice versa. Capable of manipulating his energy into either disable or damage based on his strongest attribute, the Morphling's most disturbing ability creates a literal clone of a chosen target, forcing them to face their own reflection as he crushes them in their confusion.

NAGA SIREN - Slithice

Slithice was always a vagabond among the Naga, roaming beyond the boundaries of the sea in search of new things. During her adventures she met and fell in love with a young Orc training to be a Blademaster. Though he was inexperienced he taught her many Orcish fighting tactics employed by seasoned warriors. During their courtship as she was learning how to make traps from a local raider, a swarm of Scourge came and invaded, her love was killed before her very eyes. She used her Naga magics to put the evil to sleep and fled, and now gives her all to the Sentinel, in the name of her love.


Although his true name is unknown to his allies, Azwraith's assigned name tells you enough. Like the Angel of Death, Azrael, he fights to rid the world of those who choose to embrace undeath. He is able to appear and disappear at will like a wraith, often appearing in many places at once. Azwraith is more than capable of dispatching the undead using his lance, each blow sending them closer to the spirit-realm. This lance is the source of his astounding ability to duplicate himself, whenever it draws blood he can use their life to create weaker copies of himself.

PRIESTESS OF THE MOON - Mirana Nightshade

A matriarch and high priestess of Elune's blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue of nearby allies, giving them greater haste on the battlefield. In times of need however, she can fade herself and others around her into the safety of invisibility, making her a potent supporter matched by few.


Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. He can also use thick smoke as a cover, to silence his enemies and become nearly untouchable.


When the Sentinel first gathered their forces, The Troll Warriors were considered primitive and unreliable. Their pride wounded, many refused to join, some even considering siding with the Scourge. Only a hotheaded young Warlord called Jah'rakal joined the Sentinel. Known as 'Blinding Axe' in troll tongue, both for the blinding speed of his axes and his trademark blind technique, his unstoppable rampages have already made him a legend among his Allies. However Jah'rakal fights not for the Sentinel, or even to defend the Ancients, but to show Elves, Men, Orcs and anyone else that trolls are the best fighters in the world.



Gondar is a Draenei that is often called upon for his superior skills. Not much is known about his past, but his capabilities are extraordinary. Some believe he learned from a ninja clan while others say he was born with his amazing abilities. He is able to throw shurikens with extreme accuracy and has the strength to strike down any foe with his two swift blades. His agility is matched by none, and his stealth is inferior only to few. He is interested in the conflict for money alone, and is promised a large reward.


Traxex was a skilled archer in her oppressive underground homeland, the Underdark, until she grew sick of her kin's evil ways and fled to the surface world. As a part of her resolution, she wanders alone in the wilds, bringing her excellent marksmanship to the fray. Some of her abilities include stripping magical beings of their voices, enchanting her arrows with an icy cold, and the ability to release each arrow with much greater precision. While such powers are valuable, her true origin will never cease to linger around in the judging eyes of others.

FACELESS VOID - Darkterror

They say he was once human, but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that he was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time. He can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. He can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that he can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move...


Originally worshipped by the pagan tribes of Germania and the black forests that encompassed it, Meepo is a mischievous spirit of the earth who enjoys burying his enemies alive in mountains of rock spikes, pinning them down into helplessness as he pummels them into submission with his mighty shovel. The most disturbing of the Geomancer's powers, however, is his ability to separate his being into multiple selves, each as powerful as the original and making him potentially four times the trouble for the unlucky who encounter him.


Razor is lightning incarnate. It is a living being, capable only of unleashing it's tremendous electrical power to anything and everything nearby. The only indication of sentience from it is its ability to control its surges, which never seems to actually strike any it would call friend. Like its namesake, it cuts to the bone, with speed and accuracy, sometimes jumping from one thing to another. It's unnatural form gives it speed, and a thirst for blood. It is a force to be reckoned with, and only the strong dare face it.

GORGON - Medusa

An insidious creature that dwelled for eons in the underwater prisons of Nazjatar, the Gorgon was unwittingly freed during the war waged between King Arthas's Scourge and the Naga on the icy shores of Northrend. Plagued by undeath in the aftermath, Medusa welcomed the blessing of immortality. Gifted with a keen sense of archery and affinity to magic at birth, she has honed her skills over the ages – striking multiple foes with a single volley of arrows, debilitating them with jolts of lightning, and even conjuring a protective barrier of mana. Like her namesake, Medusa instills paralyzing fear into all that dare cross her path.


The apprentice of a legendary creature from Aiur, Lanaya is a psychic adept who specializes in strategic assassination for the Sentinels. Her psionic abilities manifest in and out of combat, and can be used to amplify damage while attacking, to protect her from enemy assault, or cloak herself invisibly before lashing out at an unfortunate passerby. And so more often than not, the foes that encounter the Templar on the battlefield find themselves dead and buried, their lives cut short as she fades back into the shadows, waiting for a new prey.

URSA WARRIOR - Ulfsaar, Fuzzy Wuzzy

Before the invasion of the Scourge, a race of intelligent bears called furbolgs cultivated a quiet spiritual society deep in the heart of Azshara. With most of their kind murdered and corrupted by the Undead, the normally isolated furbolgs were forced to flee to the Sentinel for protection. In revenge, the furbolgs have sent their mightiest Ursa Warrior into battle on those who dare to disturb them again. Enraged by the defilement of his people's sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart.

VENGEFUL SPIRIT - Shendelzare Silkwood

Once a mighty warden and sister of Mortred, the maniacal laughter of her sibling and the chakram of hers covered in her own just drawn blood is a sight that even today still haunts Shendelzare. Hearing the laments of her loyal daughter, Elune decided to not forsake her, and she graced her with a new body along with the ability to harness powers from the nether-world and a fighting spirit only owned by those who have met death itself. Shendelzare now dedicates herself for vengeance, fearless of what could come at her, an avatar of the dreadful emotions within the soul of her former self.



An unusual hybrid of Demon and Orc, Strygwyr is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures. By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays, Strygwyr can heal his wounds - even those that could prove fatal. Beware the fool who dares venturing alone, for Strygwyr can sense his blood miles away and gain vision through his helpless prey's eyes. Having ruptured the enemy with mighty blows in his bloodthirsty frenzies, Strygwyr corners his foe into making the impossible decision - bleed to death by trying to outrun the hasty demon, or be ripped to shreds in its awesome fury.


The fire that kindles eternally on the visage of the fallen Elven Archer proves to others that his undeath was a mere genesis. Clinkz seeks perfection in the arts of fletching and never hesitates in sacrificing his own allies for the cause. Still retaining his ability to move with the wind, he is ready to slay the enemy officers with his swiftness and precision in archery. The Fletcher fires arrows that scorch the target with the heat of the Underworld, bringing them closer and closer to their peril. An elvish archer in life, a nightmare in death.

BROODMOTHER - Black Arachnia

Once a Queen of the Nerubians, she struck fear into the hearts of those she ruled. However she made the fatal mistake of falling in love with the renegade assassin Anub'Arak , and was banished from her own kingdom. Now she accompanies her true love in the battle of the Ancients, bearing his offspring as a symbol of her undying love. An expert in weaving webs of deception, she has the power of incapacitating those who dare attack her, and sowing in them the seeds of her offspring which then tear out of the corpse of the unfortunate victim. Her lust for battle helps her grow stronger and sustain herself, leading many to believe that her hunger for flesh, is insatiable..


Anub'arak was once the greatest champion of the Nerubians, but fell in the Second War of the Spider. He was resurrected by the Lich King Ner'zhul, who promised him eternal undeath in exchange for his unswerving loyalty. His layers of spiked armor are nearly impregnable, causing severe damage to attackers. When threatened, he shoots these spikes through enemies maiming and disorienting them. He channels his dark powers into a bolt of disarming negative energy, and those who witness him blending into the shadows of the frozen tundra have never lived to tell the tale.


Anub'seran. The name of this creature strikes fear into all of those who have seen the Nerubians. Even the famed assassin Anub'arak is hesitant to fight this beast, which comes from the plane of the spirit world. He can swiftly walk through his enemies, bending their bodies to his will, causing pain while he strides through them. With his powers over the timeless plane, he can also step inside and throw himself into the past to keep himself from death. He can call an attack from the future to strike his foes, making his onslaught more deadly. Anub'seran. Only the fools do not fear his name.


A malicious Drake tamed by the Lich King himself, Viper is a fierce, acid-spitting beast whose speed and agility surprises the most hardened of warriors. Cursing himself into a maddened rage, Viper charges into battle without regard of his own safety. His salivary glands produce stinging poison that causes enemies to writhe in pain, severely damaging their nerves. Be careful when facing this powerful monster...its dark silhouette may be the last thing you will ever see.


Pitted against the very society that condemned her to a life of Undeath, Mortred takes delight in the slaughter of her kindred people. Abandoned during their expeditious retreat in battle, she was left to the mercy of the undead. Her twisted fate was merely a sacrifice to them - a tool in slowing their predators' pursuit. But… the Lich King saw the malevolence and hatred within her. He bestowed upon her an opportunity - a vessel of darkness with which to enact her vengeance. Eternally grateful of his service, Mortred hunts her wretched Night Elf sisters from the shadows, fueled by an insatiable desire to seek justice.

SHADOW FIEND - Nevermore

A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.

SOUL KEEPER - Terrorblade

Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolise his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.

SPECTRE - Mercurial

A darkness who was ancient even in the early days of the world's existence, Mercurial is the embodiment of rage and vengeance in the souls of those long dead. Haunting her enemies with relentless fervor, she is able to throw a dagger-like projectile that allows her to chase her prey beyond physical boundaries, and the fear and the desolation struck in the hearts of those who have the misfortune of encountering her alone is a pain impossible to withstand. Spectre's thirst for destruction is insatiable, and the upcoming struggle seems to be just what she was waiting for.

VENOMANCER - Lesale Deathbringer

For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike enemies with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike.